Category Archives: AMD Database Error Messages

AMD-00110: parameter string of “string” not valid


AMD-00110: parameter string of "string" not valid
Cause: A parameter was found to be invalid
Action: Ensure that the parameter is correctly formed and valid

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AMD-00109: Parent metadata entity has too many child entities. string “string” has more than string string


AMD-00109: Parent metadata entity has too many child entities. string "string" has more than string string
Cause: A metadata entity was found to have too many dependent entities of another type
Action: Add the required mapping

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AMD-00108: Dimension “string” is improperly mapped; the dimension has string hierarchies mapped, but hierarchy level “string” has string columns mapped


AMD-00108: Dimension "string" is improperly mapped; the dimension has string hierarchies mapped, but hierarchy level "string" has string columns mapped 
Cause: Dimension table columns could not be accessed, because dimension hierarchies were incorrectly mapped 
Action: Add or remove dimension hierarchies or hierarchy level mappings. The number of dimension hierarchies must equal the number of hierarchy level columns

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AMD-00107: no root level in hierarchy: “string”


AMD-00107: no root level in hierarchy: "string"
Cause: A hierarchy was found to have no root level
Action: Use the ADD_LEVEL_TO_HIERARCHY procedure to add a level to the hierarchy. Specify the root level in the child parameter and leave the parent parameter blank

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AMD-00106: parent string “string” must be removed before child string “string” can be removed


AMD-00106: parent string "string" must be removed before child string "string" can be removed
Cause: A metadata entity could not be removed, because it was the child of another metadata entity
Action: Remove the parent metadata entity. All the dependent entities will be removed with the parent

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AMD-00105: Level “string” cannot be added to the hierarchy; the specified parent level “string” is already the parent of “string”


AMD-00105: Level "string" cannot be added to the hierarchy; the specified parent level "string" is already the parent of "string"
Cause: The level specified as the parent in the ADD_LEVEL_TO_HIERARCHY procedure could not be used, because it was the parent of another level within the hierarchy
Action: In the ADD_LEVEL_TO_HIERARCHY procedure, specify a parent that is not already a parent of another level within a hierarchy

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AMD-00104: Level “string” cannot be added to the hierarchy; parent and child parameters represent the same level


AMD-00104: Level "string" cannot be added to the hierarchy; parent and child parameters represent the same level
Cause: The same level name was specified for both the parent and the child parameters of the ADD_LEVEL_TO_HIERARCHY procedure
Action: Determine which level should be the parent of the new level being added to the hierarchy. Specify the parent in the parent parameter and the new level in the child parameter of the ADD_LEVEL_TO_HIERARCHY procedure. Re-run the procedure

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AMD-00103: %s “string” does not have a string


AMD-00103: %s "string" does not have a string
Cause: A required child entity was not found for a metadata entity
Action: Refer to the Oracle9i OLAP User's Guide to determine which metadata entities require dependent entities

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AMD-00102: invalid metadata entity: string “string”


AMD-00102: invalid metadata entity: string "string"
Cause: An OLAP metadata entity was found to be invalid
Action: Check the mapping to columns in your data warehouse tables or views

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AMD-00101: cannot create string “string”; metadata entity already exists


AMD-00101: cannot create string "string"; metadata entity already exists
Cause: A metadata entity could not be created, because it already exists in the OLAP Catalog
Action: When creating a new metadata entity, specify an entity name that is unique for the entity owner. Refer to the OLAP Catalog union views (named with the OLAP2U prefix) for existing OLAP metadata entity names

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