AMD-00140: internal error: [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: This is an internal error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services
AMD-00140: internal error: [string] [string] [string] [string] [string]
Cause: This is an internal error
Action: Contact Oracle Support Services
AMD-00139: level names parameter not valid
Cause: The number of names in the LEVELS_LIST parameter did not equal the number specified by the LEVELS parameter
Action: Ensure that the LEVELS_LIST parameter is correctly formed and that it holds the number of names specified by the LEVELS parameter
AMD-00138: level names parameter not null or defaulted
Cause: Level names were provided to the LEVELS_LIST parameter, but the LEVELS parameter did not specify the number of levels
Action: Either set the LEVELS_LIST parameter to null (the default) or set the LEVELS parameter to the number of levels
AMD-00137: prefix "string" exceeds maximum permitted length of string characters
Cause: A prefix supplied to an API call was too long
Action: Change the prefix so that it is within the permitted length, then re-issue the API call
AMD-00136: Generation of SQL script "string" failed
Cause: There was a program error or a system resource limit was exceeded
Action: Verify that sufficient system resources are available, then retry
AMD-00135: measure #string: RDBMS measure column data type not specified
Cause: RDBMS measure column data type for this measure was not specified in either the input text file or the input string
Action: Modify the input text file or the input string to include the missing RDBMS measure column data type
AMD-00134: measure #string: RDBMS measure column name not specified
Cause: RDBMS measure column name for this measure was not specified in either the input text file or the input string
Action: Modify the input text file or the input string to include the missing RDBMS measure column name
AMD-00133: measure #string: analytic workspace measure name not specified
Cause: Analytic workspace measure name for this measure was not specified in either the input text file or the input string
Action: Modify the input text file or the input string to include the missing analytic workspace measure name
AMD-00132: dimension #string: RDBMS GID column data type not specified
Cause: RDBMS dimension column data type for this dimension was not specified in either the input text file or the input string
Action: Modify the input text file or the input string to include the missing RDBMS dimension column data type
AMD-00131: dimension #string: RDBMS parent column data type not specified
Cause: RDBMS dimension column data type for this dimension was not specified in either the input text file or the input string
Action: Modify the input text file or the input string to include the missing RDBMS dimension column data type