ORA-00475: TRWR process terminated with error
Cause: The system tracing process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00475: TRWR process terminated with error
Cause: The system tracing process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00474: SMON process terminated with error
Cause: The system cleanup process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00473: ARCH process terminated with error
Cause: The archive process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00472: PMON process terminated with error
Cause: The process cleanup process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00471: DBWR process terminated with error
Cause: The database writer process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00470: LGWR process terminated with error
Cause: The log writer process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00469: CKPT process terminated with error
Cause: The checkpoint process died
Action: Warm start instance
ORA-00453: backgroud process ‘string’ is dead
Cause: The background process that was being messaged was dead or its incarnation was invalid
Action: Restart the background process
ORA-00452: foreground process unexpectedly terminated with error string
Cause: The foreground process for the new connection did not start
Action: Reconnect to Oracle
ORA-00451: foreground process died unexpectedly
Cause: The foreground process for the new connection did not start
Action: Reconnect to Oracle