All posts by mpbod

ORA-01001: invalid cursor


ORA-01001: invalid cursor
Cause: Either a host language program call specified an invalid cursor or the value of the MAXOPENCURSORS option in the precompiler command were too small. All cursors must be opened using the OOPEN call before being referenced in any of the following calls: SQL, DESCRIBE, NAME, DEFINE, BIND, EXEC, FETCH, and CLOSE. The Logon Data Area (LDA) must be defined by using OLON or OLOGON. If the LDA is not defined, this message is issued for the following calls: OPEN, COM, CON, ROL, and LOGOFF.
Action: Check the erroneous call statement. Specify a correct LDA area or open the cursor as required. If there is no problem with the cursor, it may be necessary to increase the MAXOPENCURSORS option value before precompiling.

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ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded


ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded
Cause: A host language program attempted to open too many cursors. The initialization parameter OPEN_CURSORS determines the maximum number of cursors per user.
Action: Modify the program to use fewer cursors. If this error occurs often, shut down Oracle, increase the value of OPEN_CURSORS, and then restart Oracle.

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ORA-00999: invalid view name


ORA-00999: invalid view name
Cause: In a CREATE VIEW statement, the view name was missing or invalid.
Action: Enter a valid view name following CREATE VIEW. Valid view names must begin with a letter, consist of only alphanumeric characters and the special characters $, _, and #, be less than or equal to 30 characters, and may not be reserved words. If the view name contains other characters, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks.

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ORA-00998: must name this expression with a column alias


ORA-00998: must name this expression with a column alias
Cause: An expression or function was used in a CREATE VIEW statement, but no corresponding column name was specified. When expressions or functions are used in a view, all column names for the view must be explicitly specified in the CREATE VIEW statement.
Action: Enter a column name for each column in the view in parentheses after the view name.

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ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype


ORA-00997: illegal use of LONG datatype
Cause: A value of datatype LONG was used in a function or in a DISTINCT, WHERE, CONNECT BY, GROUP BY, or ORDER BY clause. A LONG value can only be used in a SELECT clause
Action: Remove the LONG value from the function or clause

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ORA-00996: the concatenate operator is ||, not |


ORA-00996: the concatenate operator is ||, not |
Cause: A single bar (|) was interpreted as an attempt to specify concatenation, but the concatenation operator is a double bar (||)
Action: Enter a double bar (||) for concatenation or remove the single bar (|) if concatenation was not intended

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ORA-00995: missing or invalid synonym identifier


ORA-00995: missing or invalid synonym identifier
Cause: In a CREATE or DROP SYNONYM statement, the synonym name was either missing or invalid
Action: Check syntax and spelling. A valid synonym name must be specified immediately following the keyword SYNONYM in both statements. Valid synonym names must begin with a letter, consist of alphanumeric characters and the special characters $, _, and #, and be less than or equal to 30 characters. They may not be reserved words

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ORA-00994: missing OPTION keyword


ORA-00994: missing OPTION keyword
Cause: The keywords WITH GRANT were specified at the end of a GRANT statement without the keyword OPTION
Action: Change the keywords WITH GRANT to the keywords WITH GRANT OPTION. Then retry the statement

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ORA-00993: missing GRANT keyword


ORA-00993: missing GRANT keyword
Cause: The keyword WITH was specified at the end of a GRANT statement without the keyword GRANT. To grant privileges to a user and the permission to grant those privileges to another user, you must specify the keywords WITH GRANT OPTION at the end of the GRANT statement
Action: Change the keyword WITH to the keywords WITH GRANT OPTION, then retry the statement

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ORA-00992: invalid format for REVOKE command


ORA-00992: invalid format for REVOKE command
Cause: An invalid form of the REVOKE command was entered. There are two forms of the REVOKE command. The first form is used to revoke a user’s database access privileges. The second form is used to revoke a user’s object privileges
Action: Check the command syntax and retry the statement

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