All posts by mpbod

ORA-01011: cannot use v7 compatibility mode when talking to v6 server


ORA-01011: cannot use v7 compatibility mode when talking to v6 server
Cause: An attempt was made to use Oracle7 compatibility mode when accessing Oracle version 6
Action: Use V6 SQL language type. You may need to use the SET COMPATIBILITY V6 command

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ORA-01010: invalid OCI operation


ORA-01010: invalid OCI operation
Cause: One of the following: 1) You attempted an invalid OCI operation. 2) You are using an Oracle client application linked with version 7.1 (or higher) libraries, the environment variable ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to connect to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 3) You are connected to a version 7.1 (or higher) Oracle Server, the initialization parameter DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server. 4) You are connected to a version 9.0.2(or higher) Oracle Server and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a version 9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server for distributed autonomous transaction.
Action: For the above causes: 1) Do not use the invalid OCI operation. 2) If you do not wish to use encrypted connect passwords in your distributed database, set ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted connect passwords, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 3) If you do not wish to use encrypted database links in your distributed database, set DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE. If you wish to use encrypted database links, you must upgrade all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher). 4) Do not attempt distributed autonomous transaction on version 9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server.

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ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter


ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter
Cause: A host language program call did not pass all required parameters
Action: Check the syntax for the call and enter all required parameters

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ORA-01008: not all variables bound


ORA-01008: not all variables bound
Cause: A SQL statement containing substitution variables was executed without all variables bound. All substitution variables must have a substituted value before the SQL statement is executed
Action: In OCI, use an OBIND or OBINDN call to substitute the required values

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ORA-01007: variable not in select list


ORA-01007: variable not in select list
Cause: A reference was made to a variable not listed in the SELECT clause. In OCI, this can occur if the number passed for the position parameter is less than one or greater than the number of variables in the SELECT clause in any of the following calls: DESCRIBE, NAME, or DEFINE. In SQL*Forms or SQL*Report, specifying more variables in an INTO clause than in the SELECT clause also causes this error
Action: Determine which of the problems listed caused the problem and take appropriate action

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ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist


ORA-01006: bind variable does not exist
Cause: A program issued a BIND call for a variable not listed in the associated SQL statement. Only those variables prefixed by either a colon (:) or ampersand (&) in the SQL statement may be referenced in a BIND call, OBIND or OBINDN. This error may also be caused by a mismatch between a Precompiler program and the related library, SQLLIB
Action: Modify the BIND call to reference one of the substitute variables specified in the associated SQL statement

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ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied


ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied
Cause: An invalid password was given when logging on
Action: Provide a valid password

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ORA-01004: default username feature not supported; logon denied


ORA-01004: default username feature not supported; logon denied
Cause: An attempt was made to use automatic logon on a system not supporting this feature
Action: Provide the complete username and password to log on to Oracle

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ORA-01003: no statement parsed


ORA-01003: no statement parsed
Cause: A host language program call referenced a cursor with no associated parsed SQL statement. A SQL call (for example, OSQL3) must be used to pass a SQL statement to Oracle and to associate the statement with an open cursor. A cursor must already have an associated SQL statement if referenced in any of the following calls: DESCRIBE, NAME, DEFINE, BIND, EXECUTE, and FETCH.
Action: Do the SQL call, for example, OSQL, to pass the required SQL statement before referencing the cursor.

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ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence


ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence
Cause: This error means that a fetch has been attempted from a cursor which is no longer valid. Note that a PL/SQL cursor loop implicitly does fetches, and thus may also cause this error. There are a number of possible causes for this error, including: 1) Fetching from a cursor after the last row has been retrieved and the ORA-1403 error returned. 2) If the cursor has been opened with the FOR UPDATE clause, fetching after a COMMIT has been issued will return the error. 3) Rebinding any placeholders in the SQL statement, then issuing a fetch before reexecuting the statement.
Action: 1) Do not issue a fetch statement after the last row has been retrieved – there are no more rows to fetch. 2) Do not issue a COMMIT inside a fetch loop for a cursor that has been opened FOR UPDATE. 3) Reexecute the statement after rebinding, then attempt to fetch again.

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