ORA-01100: database already mounted
Cause: A database is already mounted in this instance.
Action: none
ORA-01100: database already mounted
Cause: A database is already mounted in this instance.
Action: none
ORA-01099: cannot mount database in SHARED mode if started in single process mode
Cause: Obvious
Action: none
ORA-01098: program Interface error during Long Insert
Cause: The application program interface could not insert or update a LONG column because of an internal error when a TTCGETV call fails. For example, a network read error or one of the parameters passed to the call is invalid.
Action: Retry the insert or update.
ORA-01097: cannot shutdown while in a transaction โ commit or rollback first
Cause: Obvious
Action: none
ORA-01096: program version (string) incompatible with instance (string)
Cause: A program is trying to connect to an instance using a different version of code than the database was started with. This is not allowed.
Action: Either relink the program with the same version as the database or restart the database using the old version of code.
ORA-01095: DML statement processed zero rows
Cause: During a call to OTEX, an update, delete, or insert statement being executed processed zero rows. The execution of statements by OTEX was halted at this point.
Action: none
ORA-01094: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE in progress. Connections not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to connect while the database is being closed with the ALTER DATABASE CLOSE statement.
Action: Attempt to connect again when the database is open. Contact the database administrator to find out when the database will be open.
ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected
Cause: There is at least one more session other than the current one logged into the instance. ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.
Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the command
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
Cause: The instance this process was connected to was terminated abnormally, probably via a shutdown abort. This process was forced to disconnect from the instance.
Action: Examine the alert log for more details. When the instance has been restarted, retry action.
ORA-01091: failure during startup force
Cause: Unable to destroy the old SGA.
Action: Manually remove the old SGA and reissue the STARTUP command