ORA-13100 TO ORA-13199

ORA-13100 TO ORA-13199

ORA-13108: spatial table string not found
ORA-13109: spatial table string exists
ORA-13110: cannot drop topology with associated topo_geometry tables
ORA-13111: cannot add topo_geometry layer [string] to topology
ORA-13112: cannot delete topo_geometry layer [string] from topology
ORA-13113: invalid tg_layer_id in sdo_topo_geometry constructor
ORA-13114: [string]_NODE$ table does not exist
ORA-13115: [string]_EDGE$ table does not exist
ORA-13116: [string]_FACE$ table does not exist
ORA-13117: [string]_RELATION$ table does not exist
ORA-13118: invalid node_id [string]
ORA-13119: invalid edge_id [string]
ORA-13120: invalid face_id [string]
ORA-13121: layer type type mismatch with topo_geometry layer type
ORA-13122: invalid topo_geometry specified
ORA-13123: invalid name specified
ORA-13124: unable to determine column id for column string
ORA-13125: partition key is already set
ORA-13126: unable to determine class for spatial table string
ORA-13127: failed to generate target partition
ORA-13128: current tiling level exceeds user specified tiling level
ORA-13129: HHCODE column string not found
ORA-13135: failed to alter spatial table
ORA-13136: null common code generated
ORA-13137: failed to generate tablespace sequence number
ORA-13138: could not determine name of object string
ORA-13139: could not obtain column definition for string
ORA-13140: invalid target type
ORA-13141: invalid RANGE window definition
ORA-13142: invalid PROXIMITY window definition
ORA-13143: invalid POLYGON window definition
ORA-13144: target table string not found
ORA-13145: failed to generate range list
ORA-13146: could not find table substitution variable string
ORA-13147: failed to generate MBR
ORA-13148: failed to generate SQL filter
ORA-13149: failed to generate next sequence number for spatial table string
ORA-13150: failed to insert exception record
ORA-13151: failed to remove exception record
ORA-13152: invalid HHCODE type
ORA-13153: invalid high water mark specified
ORA-13154: invalid precision specified
ORA-13155: invalid number of dimensions specified
ORA-13156: table to be registered string.string is not empty
ORA-13157: Oracle error ORAstring encountered while string
ORA-13158: Oracle object string does not exist
ORA-13159: Oracle table string already exists
ORA-13181: unable to determine length of column string_SDOINDEX.SDO_CODE
ORA-13182: failed to read element string.string.string
ORA-13183: unsupported geometric type for geometry string.string
ORA-13184: failed to initialize tessellation package
ORA-13185: failed to generate initial HHCODE
ORA-13186: fixed tile size tessellation failed
ORA-13187: subdivision failed
ORA-13188: cell decode failed
ORA-13189: recursive SQL parse failed
ORA-13190: recursive SQL fetch failed
ORA-13191: failed to read SDO_ORDCNT value
ORA-13192: failed to read number of element rows
ORA-13193: failed to allocate space for geometry
ORA-13194: failed to decode supercell
ORA-13195: failed to generate maximum tile value
ORA-13196: failed to compute supercell for element string.string.string
ORA-13197: element string.string.string is out of range
ORA-13198: Spatial error: string
ORA-13199: %s


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