EXP-00000 TO EXP-00099

EXP-00000 TO EXP-00099

EXP-00000: Export terminated unsuccessfully
EXP-00001: data field truncation – column length=number, buffer size=number actual size=number
EXP-00002: error in writing to export file
EXP-00003: no storage definition found for segment(number, number)
EXP-00004: invalid username or password
EXP-00005: all allowable logon attempts failed
EXP-00006: internal inconsistency error
EXP-00007: dictionary shows no columns for string.string
EXP-00008: ORACLE error number encountered
EXP-00009: no privilege to export string’s table string
EXP-00010: string is not a valid username
EXP-00011: string.string does not exist
EXP-00012: string is not a valid export mode
EXP-00013: respond with either ‘Y’, ‘N’, RETURN or ‘.’ to quit
EXP-00014: error on row number of table string
EXP-00015: error on row number of table string, column string, datatype number
EXP-00016: ORACLE error encountered while reading default auditing options
EXP-00017: feature “string” is needed, but not present in database
EXP-00018: datatype (number) for column string, table string.string is not supported
EXP-00019: failed to process parameters, type ‘EXP HELP=Y’ for help
EXP-00020: failed to allocate memory of size number
EXP-00021: can only perform incremental export in Full Database mode
EXP-00022: must be SYS or SYSTEM to do incremental export
EXP-00023: must be a DBA to do Full Database or Tablespace export
EXP-00024: Export views not installed, please notify your DBA
EXP-00025: dictionary shows no column for constraint string.number
EXP-00026: conflicting modes specified
EXP-00027: failed to calculate ORACLE block size
EXP-00028: failed to open string for write
EXP-00029: Incremental export mode and consistent mode are not compatible
EXP-00030: Unexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input
EXP-00031: Arraysize not in valid range. Using arraysize=number
EXP-00032: Non-DBAs may not export other users
EXP-00033: Could not find environment character set
EXP-00034: error on rowid: file# number block# number slot# number
EXP-00035: QUERY parameter valid only for table mode exports
EXP-00036: Object number non-existent in dictionary
EXP-00037: Export views not compatible with database version
EXP-00038: Bad Hash cluster id in clu$
EXP-00039: export file string must be on a disk
EXP-00040: Dump file and log file must be different
EXP-00041: INCTYPE parameter is obsolete
EXP-00043: Invalid data dictionary information in the row where column “string” is “string” in table string
EXP-00044: must be connected ‘AS SYSDBA’ to do Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace import
EXP-00045: Cannot export SYSTEM Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace
EXP-00046: Tablespace named string does not exist
EXP-00047: Missing tablespace name(s)
EXP-00048: Cannot export SYSAUX Tablespace for Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace
EXP-00049: string option is not compatible with Point-in-time Recovery or Transportable Tablespace Export
EXP-00050: Cannot perform Partition Export “string” on non-partitioned table “string”
EXP-00051: “string” – given partition or subpartition name is not part of “string” table
EXP-00052: error on row number of partition string
EXP-00053: unable to execute QUERY on table string because the table has inner nested tables
EXP-00054: error on row number of subpartition string
EXP-00055: string.string is marked not exportable
EXP-00057: Failure to initialize parameter manager
EXP-00058: Password Verify Function for string profile does not exist
EXP-00059: error converting an object type’s identifier to characters
EXP-00060: an object type had multiple TYPE BODYs
EXP-00061: unable to find the outer table name of a nested table
EXP-00062: invalid source statements for an object type
EXP-00063: error in changing language handle
EXP-00064: string is an inner nested table and cannot be exported
EXP-00065: Error writing lob to the dump file
EXP-00066: Object table string is missing its object identifier index
EXP-00068: tablespace string is offline
EXP-00070: attempt to free unallocated memory
EXP-00071: QUERY parameter not compatible with Direct Path export
EXP-00072: error closing export file string
EXP-00073: dump file size too small
EXP-00074: rounding VOLSIZE down, new value is string
EXP-00075: rounding FILESIZE down, new value is string
EXP-00076: multiple devices specified for tape output
EXP-00077: multiple output files specified for unbounded export file
EXP-00078: Error exporting metadata for index string. Index creation will be skipped
EXP-00079: Data in table “string” is protected. Conventional path may only be exporting partial table
EXP-00080: Data in table “string” is protected. Using conventional mode
EXP-00081: Exporting access control for table/view “string” as non-DBA
EXP-00082: Invalid function name passed to procedural object support: string
EXP-00083: The previous problem occurred when calling string.string.string
EXP-00084: Unexpected DbmsJava error number at step number
EXP-00085: The previous problem occurred when calling string.string.string for object number
EXP-00086: Primary key REFs in table “string”may not be valid on import
EXP-00087: Problem with internal hash table of schema/table names
EXP-00089: invalid FILE_FORMAT specification
EXP-00090: cannot pin type “string”.”string”
EXP-00091: Exporting questionable statistics
EXP-00092: Unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults
EXP-00093: Could not convert to server character set’s handle
EXP-00094: Could not convert to server national character set’s handle
EXP-00095: Flashback_time and Flashback_scn are not compatible
EXP-00097: Object type “string”.”string” is not in a valid state, type will not be exported
EXP-00098: Data in table has not been upgraded, table will not be exported
EXP-00099: Table “string”.”string” is not in a valid state, table will not be exported


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