Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-31531: could not find column string in CDC subscriber view string.string


ORA-31531: could not find column string in CDC subscriber view string.string
Cause: A column was missing in a subscriber view for an imported Change Data Capture subscription
Action: It is likely that this view existed before the import operation and import did not overwrite it. Determine whether the imported subscriber view should supercede the original view. If so, drop the original view and retry the import. If not, the subscriber view must have a different name in order to be imported

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ORA-31530: could not find published column string for CDC subscriber view string.string


ORA-31530: could not find published column string for CDC subscriber view string.string
Cause: A published column was missing for an imported Change Data Capture subscription
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing published column was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing published column

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ORA-31529: could not find publication for CDC subscriber view string.string


ORA-31529: could not find publication for CDC subscriber view string.string
Cause: A publication was missing for an imported Change Data Capture subscription
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing publication was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing publication

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ORA-31528: could not find change set string for CDC subscription string


ORA-31528: could not find change set string for CDC subscription string
Cause: The change set was missing for an imported Change Data Capture subscription
Action: Drop the imported subscription because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change set was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change set

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ORA-31527: could not find source column string for CDC change table string.string


ORA-31527: could not find source column string for CDC change table string.string
Cause: A source column was missing for an imported Change Data Capture change table
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the source table was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing source table

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ORA-31526: could not find source table string.string for CDC change table string.string


ORA-31526: could not find source table string.string for CDC change table string.string
Cause: The source table was missing or was not set up correctly for an imported Change Data Capture change table. A synchronous change table requires the source table to exist and have the Change Data Capture trigger defined on it. An asynchronous change table requires table rules to be defined for the source table
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the source table was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the source table. If change table is asynchronous, ensure that STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=y is specified for the import

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ORA-31525: could not find column string in CDC change table string.string


ORA-31525: could not find column string in CDC change table string.string
Cause: A column was missing for an imported Change Data Capture change table
Action: It is likely that this table existed before the import operation and import did not overwrite it. Determine whether the imported change table should supercede the original table. If so, drop the original table and retry the import. If not, the change table must have a different name in order to be imported

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ORA-31524: could not find change set string for CDC change table string.string


ORA-31524: could not find change set string for CDC change table string.string
Cause: The change set was missing for an imported Change Data Capture change table
Action: Drop the imported change table because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change set was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change set

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ORA-31523: could not find change source string for CDC change set string


ORA-31523: could not find change source string for CDC change set string
Cause: The change source was missing for an imported Change Data Capture change set
Action: Drop the imported change set because it is invalid. Verify that the schema containing the missing change source was included in the original export. If needed, perform the export again, including the schema of the missing change source

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ORA-31522: could not find Streams object string for CDC change set string


ORA-31522: could not find Streams object string for CDC change set string
Cause: An underlying Streams capture, apply, or queue was missing for an imported Change Data Capture change set
Action: Drop the imported change set because it is invalid. Retry the import, ensuring that STREAMS_CONFIGURATION=y is specified

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