Category Archives: ORA Database Error Messages

ORA-33060: (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value for the ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0


ORA-33060: (XSAGDNGL29) In AGGMAP workspace object, the value for the ERRORLOG MAX option must be greater than 0
Cause: The user specified an ERRORLOG MAX of 0 or a negative number
Action: Adjust the AGGMAP so that it uses a positive number

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ORA-33058: (XSAGDNGL28) In AGGMAP workspace object, error code string is greater than the maximum error code of number


ORA-33058: (XSAGDNGL28) In AGGMAP workspace object, error code string is greater than the maximum error code of number
Cause: The user specified an invalid ERRORMASK value
Action: Remove the invalid value from the ERRORMASK list

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ORA-33056: (XSAGDNGL27) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, the MAX argument of %p must be greater than the CEILING argument of %p


ORA-33056: (XSAGDNGL27) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, the MAX argument of %p must be greater than the CEILING argument of %p
Cause: The user specified a MAX argument that was less than or equal to the CEILING argument
Action: Increase the MAX argument

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ORA-33054: (XSAGDNGL26) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, a MIN argument of %p must be less than a FLOOR argument of %p


ORA-33054: (XSAGDNGL26) %a workspace object number number In AGGMAP %p, a MIN argument of %p must be less than a FLOOR argument of %p
Cause: The user specified a MIN argument that was greater than or equal to the FLOOR argument
Action: Reduce the MIN argument

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ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables


ORA-33052: (XSAGDNGL25) AGGMAP workspace object is a dimensioned AGGMAP; it can only be used to aggregate like-dimensioned variables
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable with different dimensions than the AGGMAP. This is only possible with undimensioned AGGMAPs
Action: Create a new undimensioned AGGMAP

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ORA-33050: (XSAGDNGL24) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be used to aggregate workspace object, because it is defined in a different analytic workspace


ORA-33050: (XSAGDNGL24) AGGMAP workspace object cannot be used to aggregate workspace object, because it is defined in a different analytic workspace
Cause: The user attempted to aggregate a variable in another analytic workspace
Action: Create an AGGMAP in the other analytic workspace to aggregate that variable

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ORA-33048: (XSAGDNGL23) In AGGMAP workspace object, the relation workspace object and the relation workspace object are both over the same base dimension


ORA-33048: (XSAGDNGL23) In AGGMAP workspace object, the relation workspace object and the relation workspace object are both over the same base dimension
Cause: The AGGMAP contains incompatible RELATION statements
Action: Remove one of the RELATION statements from the AGGMAP

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ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause


ORA-33046: (XSAGDNGL22) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can specify only one SCREENBY clause
Cause: The AGGMAP contained multiple SCREENBY clauses
Action: Remove one of the SCREENBY clauses from the AGGMAP

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ORA-33036: (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option workspace object must be a TEXT variable


ORA-33036: (XSAGDNGL17) ARGS option workspace object must be a TEXT variable
Cause: An ARGS value had a non-text data type
Action: Use a text variable for ARGS

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ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements


ORA-33030: (XSAGDNGL14) In AGGMAP workspace object, you can have either a single independent PROTECT statement or PROTECT statements in your RELATION statements
Cause: The AGGMAP either specified multiple PROTECT statements not on a RELATION line, or specified PROTECT statements both independently and on RELATION lines
Action: Correct the AGGMAP to have valid syntax

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