ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34360: (MXDSS15) number other users writing
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34359: (MXDSS11) string appears twice in the alias list
Cause: User included the same name twice in the alias list of an AW ALIAS or AW UNALIAS command
Action: Remove the duplicate name and try again
ORA-34358: (MXDSS14) number other users reading
Cause: Used for AW LIST output formatting when %d > 1
Action: None
ORA-34357: (MXDSS10) string is not an alias of analytic workspace string
Cause: User attempted to use AW UNALIAS on a non-existent alias
Action: Make sure that the command specified the correct analytic workspace and alias. The alias must have been assigned (using AW ALIAS) during the current session and must not have been removed by a previous AW UNALIAS or AW DETACH command
ORA-34350: (MXDSS06) string is an open analytic workspace
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is currently in use
Action: The desired action requires an analytic workspace that is not currently in use
ORA-34348: (MXDSS05) string is used only for internal purposes and cannot be accessed as an analytic workspace
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an internal analytic workspace used by the system
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace
ORA-34346: (MXDSS04) The string analytic workspace cannot be detached
Cause: The specified analytic workspace is an internal workspace and may not be detached by the user
Action: Specify a different analytic workspace to detach
ORA-34344: (MXDSS03) Analytic workspace string is not attached
Cause: The command attempted to operate on an analytic workspace that is not currently attached, or the name of the analytic workspace is misspelled
Action: Attach the analytic workspace or correct the spelling
ORA-34342: (MXDSS01) IMPORTANT: Analytic workspace string is read-only. Therefore, you will not be able to use the UPDATE command to save changes to it
Cause: This is an informational message that reminds you that you may not save changes to the specified analytic workspace
Action: None, unless it was desired to save changes to the analytic workspace. In that case, detach and reattach the analytic workspace read-write
ORA-34296: (MXDCL36) A NUMBER dimension must be defined with a fixed precision and scale, using the form NUMBER(precision) or NUMBER(precision, scale)
Cause: The user attempted to define a NUMBER dimension without specifying a precision. The proper format for declaring a number dimension is NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale). NUMBER with no precision or scale is not allowed
Action: Use NUMBER(Precision) or NUMBER(Precision, Scale) to specify the datatype of a NUMBER dimension